Chapter 1.2 Part B: Chemical Apparatus Grade 10 (Level L)


1.2.8 Using a measuring cylinder

measuring cylinder is used to measure volumes of liquids where great accuracy is not important.

Measuring cylinders come in various sizes and it is important to use the most appropriate cylinder for the volume to be measured e.g. if 10.0cm3 ± 0.5 ml of liquid is required, then either a 10ml or 25ml cylinder should be used and not a 250ml cylinder.

 If we want to measure 30 ml of water using a measuring cylinder, which of the following measuring cylinders would be most suitable?
  • 25 ml measuring cylinder
  • 50 ml measuring cylinder
  • 100 ml measuring cylinder
  • 250 ml measuring cylinder

 correct answer

50 ml measuring cylinder

1.2.8 Using a measuring cylinder – Cont.

When reading a measuring cylinder you must:

a) stand the cylinder on the bench, do not hold it in your hand.

b) bend down so that your eye is on the same level as the surface of the liquid when you read the scale.

c) measure to the bottom of the curved surface of the liquid. This curved surface is called a meniscus.

For very accurate measurements of volume (with an uncertainty between ± 0.05 cm3 and 0.1cm3), pipettes and burettes must be used (explained later).

1.2.9 Filtration

Filtration is the process of separating a liquid from an insoluble solid (i.e. does not dissolve in the liquid). A beaker, filter stand, filter funnel and a piece of filter paper are required.

It is important to fold the filter paper properly and this is done as follows:

a) Fold the filter paper in half and then into quarters.

b) Open the paper out to make a cone with a thickness of three on one side and one on the other.

The filter paper now fits neatly into the filter funnel. Wet the filter paper before starting the filtration and always pour liquid onto the three-thickness side and never allow liquid to come within 1cm of the top of the paper.

Never poke a wet filter paper with your finger, a spatula or a glass rod as this may tear the paper and you will have to start again.

How do you fold a filter paper to fit it in a funnel?