Chapter 5: Stoichiometry Part 1 SABIS Grade 11 (Level M) Chemistry


Chapter 5 : Stoichiometry

5.1 Solving Problems

STP and RTP Reaction conditions
5.1.1 A generalized problem
5.1.2 A solved problem

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Example 1

What volume of chlorine at STP reacts with 0.500 mole Fe, and what mass of FeCl3 will be produced?

Given: 0.500 mole Fe,

RTF: Volume of Cl2(g) reacted; mass of FeCl3 produced.


Step 1: Write the balanced equation:

2Fe(s) + 3Cl2 (g) → 2FeCl3(s)

Step 2: Write the reacting ratios in moles:

2Fe(s) + 3Cl2 (g) → 2FeCl3(s)

2 moles  3 moles      2 moles

Step 3: Determine the volume of chlorine needed:

In general, if aA + bB → cC + dD then amount of B needed = xb/a moles.

Quantity of Cl2 needed = xb/a moles = 0.500 × 3/2 = 0.75 mol Cl2 × 22.4 dm3/mol Cl

= 16.8 dmof chlorine at STP.

Notice that to change 0.75 moles of Cl2 to volume at STP we had to multiply it by the appropriate conversion factor (22.4 dm3/mol).

Step 4: Determine the mass of FeCl3(s) produced:

Quantity of FeCl3(s) produced = xA × (cC/aA) = x.c/a moles (of C).

= 0.500 × (2/2) moles of FeCl3(s) = 0.500 moles of FeCl3(s)

= 0.500 moles of FeCl3(s) × 162.5 g/mol FeCl3(s) = 81.2 g

Again, to find the mass of FeCl3(s) we had to change moles to grams by multiplying by the conversion factor 162.5 g/mol.