Chapter 3: Chemical Reactions Introduction SABIS Grade 9 (Level K)

Chemical Reactions: Introduction

High on a bluff overlooking the city of Athens in Greece rests the Athenian acropolis, a group of stately temples constructed more than 2,400 years ago. One of these temples, the Erechtheion, uses beautifully carved female figures to support the temple’s roof.
Over time, the temples have suffered structural damage, which has resulted in roof and wall collapse. Other damage has included surface decay of the statues and carvings. You can observe evidence of surface decay on the faces of the maiden statues of the Erechtheion.
Professional teams have been working to protect these treasures from further decay. Restoration experts analyze each piece to determine whether the damage is due to chemical changes, physical changes, or both. In this chapter, you will learn about differences between physical and chemical changes, and how a chemical change can be described, classified, and explained.

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