Chapter 2: Chemical Bonding part 3 Ionic and Metallic bonds SABIS Grade 9 (Level K)

Ionic and Metallic Bonds

Have you ever noticed that some solid substances can be easily crushed while others bend under pressure? You can crush brittle solids such as salt into a fine powder, but applying pressure to a piece of copper wire would only bend it. The reasons for these differences lie in the types of bonds that hold atoms together in the two solids.

Ions and Ionic Bonds
Atoms have no charge because they contain equal numbers of protons and electrons.
If an atom loses or gains electrons, it becomes an ion carrying an electrical charge. An ion has a positive charge if it has lost one or more electrons. Positively charged ions are called cations. An ion has a negative charge if it has gained one or more electrons. Negatively charged ions are called anions. The magnitude of the charge on an ion depends on how many electrons have been lost or gained by the atom.
For example, suppose that an atom with 19 protons and 19 electrons loses one electron. The atom becomes an ion with 19 protons and 18 electrons. As the number of protons exceeds the number of electrons by one, the charge on the ion is (+19) + (−18) = +1.

Now consider an example of an atom that gains two electrons. Suppose the neutral atom has 8 protons and 8 electrons. This atom gains two electrons to have a total of 10 electrons and a charge of (+8) + (−10) = −2.

An ion is represented using the chemical symbol for its element followed by a plus or minus sign, expressed as a superscript, to indicate the charge on the ion. If the charge is +1 or −1, no number is shown. If the magnitude of the charge is greater than 1, the number is shown to the left of the plus or minus sign. Some examples are Na+, Cl, Ba2+, and N3−.

Ions of opposite charge attract one another. An ionic bond forms from the strong attraction between a cation and an anion. An ionic compound contains ionic bonds. Figure 7 represents one unit of an ionic compound formed from a positively charged ion (sodium ion) and a negatively charged ion (chloride). The sodium ion is a result of a sodium atom losing one electron. A chloride ion is a result of a chlorine atom gaining one electron. The ionic compound that results from the combination between a sodium ion and a chloride ion is called sodium chloride.

Fill in the blank.
A neutral atom loses two electrons. What is the charge of the ion thus formed?
The charge is

A sulfur atom gains two electrons. How is the resulting sulfur ion represented?






Fill in the blank.
Two chloride ions do not form an ionic compound because the two ions have the

Elements and Ion Formation

From your study of the periodic table, you learned that only the outermost electrons—the valence electrons—in an atom are gained or lost. You also learned that the noble gases have the most stable electron configuration, with either 2 or 8 electrons in their valence shell. With these ideas in mind, you can predict how different elements will ionize. Elements form ions in order to acquire the stable electron configuration of the nearest noble gas.

For example, sodium is a group 1 metal that has one valence electron. To achieve a noble gas configuration, a sodium atom could either gain 7 electrons to acquire the electron configuration of argon, or it could lose 1 electron to acquire the electron configuration of neon. It is far easier for the sodium atom to lose 1 electron than to gain 7 electrons, so it loses its single valence electron. The diagram below illustrates how a neutral sodium atom achieves this stable electron configuration when it loses its valence electron.
Figure 8 A sodium atom loses its one valence electron to become positively charged
and acquire the same electron configuration as that of neon.

All metals in group 1 have only one valence electron, so they tend to lose it to achieve the configuration of the nearest noble gas. Group 1 elements form cations with a +1 charge. Metals in group 2 have two valence electrons and tend to lose them both to achieve the configuration of the nearest noble gas. Group 2 elements form cations with a +2 charge. In each case, the ions are left with a full valence shell of electrons, which is more stable than having one or two electrons in the outermost shell.

               Figure 9 A neutral chlorine atom achieves a noble gas configuration when it gains one electron.

In a similar pattern, nonmetals in group 16 have six valence electrons and tend to gain two electrons to form anions with a −2 charge.
Transition metals are more variable in cation formation than other metals. Many transition metals can exist in more than one cation form, so it is not as useful to use the periodic table to predict the charges of these ions as it is for other groups. For instance, silver and gold are examples  of transition metals. Although they both belong to group 11, gold atoms lose either one or three electrons to form Au+ or Au3+ ions, while silver atoms lose only one electron to form Ag+ ions.

 Figure 10 The periodic table can be used to predict the charges of most ions of elements.

The symbol of calcium ion is





Choose the charge of the ion formed from each of the following elements.


Elements and Ion Formation - Cont.

In addition to the ions mentioned earlier, there are ions called polyatomic ions. A polyatomic ion is an ion composed of two or more atoms that are chemically bonded together. The charge on a polyatomic ion indicates the net charge on the entire ionic particle.
An example of a polyatomic ion is the hydroxide ion, OH. The hydroxide ion consists of one atom of oxygen (having 8 protons and 8 electrons) and one atom of hydrogen (having 1 proton and 1 electron) bonded together as shown in Figure 11. When these two atoms combine to form the hydroxide ion, they gain one additional electron. Thus, the ion has 9 positive charges and 10 negative charges. The sum of these charges is 9 + (−10) = −1, which means that the ion has a  charge of −1. Notice that this ion has a stable noble gas configuration just like the ions formed from single atoms.

Another example of a polyatomic ion is the ammonium ion, shown in Figure 12. A nitrogen atom has 7 protons and 7 electrons, and each atom hydrogen atom has 1 proton and 1 electron. Since four hydrogen atoms combine with one nitrogen atom, the ion has 7 + 4 = 11 protons. As ammonium ion forms, one electron is lost. Thus, there are 11 positive charges and 10 negative charges in the final form of the ion. Therefore, the charge on this ion is 11 + (−10) = +1.

2.2 Ionic and Metallic Bonds

Elements and Ion Formation - Cont.

In addition to the ions mentioned earlier, there are ions called polyatomic ions. A polyatomic ion is an ion composed of two or more atoms that are chemically bonded together. The charge on a polyatomic ion indicates the net charge on the entire ionic particle.
An example of a polyatomic ion is the hydroxide ion, OH. The hydroxide ion consists of one atom of oxygen (having 8 protons and 8 electrons) and one atom of hydrogen (having 1 proton and 1 electron) bonded together as shown in Figure 11. When these two atoms combine to form the hydroxide ion, they gain one additional electron. Thus, the ion has 9 positive charges and 10 negative charges. The sum of these charges is 9 + (−10) = −1, which means that the ion has a  charge of −1. Notice that this ion has a stable noble gas configuration just like the ions formed from single atoms.

Another example of a polyatomic ion is the ammonium ion, shown in Figure 12. A nitrogen atom has 7 protons and 7 electrons, and each atom hydrogen atom has 1 proton and 1 electron. Since four hydrogen atoms combine with one nitrogen atom, the ion has 7 + 4 = 11 protons. As ammonium ion forms, one electron is lost. Thus, there are 11 positive charges and 10 negative charges in the final form of the ion. Therefore, the charge on this ion is 11 + (−10) = +1.

Fill in the blank.
Both ammonium ions and hydroxide ions are ________________.


It forms when an atom either loses or gains electrons.
If an atom loses one or more electrons it forms a positively charged ion called 
If an atom gains one or more electrons it forms a negatively charged ion called


Your answer :

It forms when an atom either loses or gains electrons.
= ion

If an atom loses one or more electrons it forms a positively charged ion called 
= ion

If an atom gains one or more electrons it forms a negatively charged ion called
= ion

Fill in the blank.
The magnitude of the charge depends on how many
   have been exchanged by the atom.

Ionic Bonds Link Metals and Nonmetals

Metals tend to form cations and nonmetals tend to form anions; consequently, ionic bonds typically occur between a metal and a nonmetal. In the ionic compound sodium chloride, a group 1 metal cation (Na+) bonds to a group 17 nonmetal anion (Cl). When anions and cations combine to form an ionic compound, the net charge of the compound must be zero. Since Na+ and Cl ions have charges of the same magnitude, it takes one of each for the charges to cancel and produce a neutral compound.

Ionic compounds can also form between ions having different numerical charges. For example, magnesium is a group 2 metal that forms a cation with +2 charge. This cation can bond with chloride anions having a −1 charge. The sum of the positive charges must always be equal to the sum of the negative charges. Thus, one magnesium ion bonds with two chloride ions to form a neutral ionic compound [(+2) + [2 × (−1)] = 0].

Identify the pairs of elements that can combine to form ionic compounds.

sodium and bromine

calcium and sodium

calcium and bromine

sodium and sulfur

calcium and sulfur

Identify the pairs of elements that can combine to form ionic compounds.

calcium and sulfur

calcium and sodium

sodium and sulfur

calcium and bromine

sodium and bromine

Identify the pairs of elements that can combine to form ionic compounds.

calcium and sulfur

calcium and sodium

sodium and sulfur

calcium and bromine

sodium and bromine

Lattice Structures in Ionic Compounds

Solid ionic compounds are substances that we use in everyday life. For example, table salt consists of the ionic compound sodium chloride. One crystal of table salt contains millions of sodium chloride units. If you were able to magnify the crystal enough to see the individual ions, you would see them arranged in a three-dimensional structure similar to the one shown in Figure 13. This structure is called a lattice. A lattice is the way ions are arranged in an ionic compound.

In the lattice, each ion is surrounded by several ions of opposite charge. In the sodium chloride case, each sodium ion is surrounded by six chloride ions and each chloride ion is surrounded by six sodium ions.The resulting lattice is a regularly repeating pattern of positive and negative ions. This structure is extremely stable because it allows the maximum number of bonds between ions. Because of the very close spacing of the oppositely charged ions in this arrangement, the ions are bonded very tightly. This tight bonding of a large number of ion pairs requires a great deal of energy to disrupt, which accounts for the high melting point sodium chloride has.

Notice that the image of the NaCl lattice is designed to show the arrangements of bonds and ions clearly. If we could see an actual crystal, the electron clouds of the ions would touch each other, leaving no empty space in between. This would be more realistic but less informative.

Each ionic compound forms a specific crystal lattice structure. There are 14 different lattice structures, divided into 7 different systems. Figure 14 shows the three lattice structures in the cubic system. Sodium chloride ions are arranged according to the first crystal lattice (a).

crystal is a solid in which the ions are arranged in a lattice. We see evidence of this lattice structure in the appearance of the crystals. Crystals have smooth, regular faces that are often shiny. The crystals themselves often have distinct repeating shapes. These features arise from the regular arrangement of ions in a lattice.
Salts form crystals in the solid state. In this state, all ionic compounds do not conduct electricity. This is because ions are arranged in fixed places in the lattice. Salts lose their crystal structure, and therefore their lattice structure, when they change from the solid state to the liquid or gaseous state. They also lose their crystal structure when the solid salt is dissolved in water. During dissolution, the water breaks the lattice into individual anions and cations. Thus, when salts are melted or dissolved in water, anions and cations move freely through the liquid, which allows the electric current to flow. 

You have completed 62% of the lesson

2.2 Ionic and Metallic Bonds

You have earned 0 point(s) out of 9 point(s) thus far.
The high melting point of ionic compounds is due to

the strong attraction between two oppositely charged ions.

the low input of heat energy needed to break the bond between the two ions.

the weak attraction between two oppositely charged ions.

the high input of heat energy needed to break the bond between the two ions.
You have completed 67% of the lesson

2.2 Ionic and Metallic Bonds

You have earned 0 point(s) out of 10 point(s) thus far.
The high melting point of ionic compounds is due to

the weak attraction between two oppositely charged ions.

the low input of heat energy needed to break the bond between the two ions.

the high input of heat energy needed to break the bond between the two ions.

the strong attraction between two oppositely charged ions.
You have completed 71% of the lesson

2.2 Ionic and Metallic Bonds

You have earned 0 point(s) out of 10 point(s) thus far.
What would you observe if you could magnify the image of a table salt crystal to a high-enough magnitude that you could see atoms?

all chloride ions in the middle surrounded by a layer of sodium ions

a lattice structure of repeating sodium ions and chloride ions

sodium and chloride ions dispersed randomly

all sodium ions in the middle surrounded by a layer of chloride ions

a lattice structure of all sodium ions to a side and all chloride ions to another
You have completed 71% of the lesson

2.2 Ionic and Metallic Bonds

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Metallic Bonding

Unlike ionic compounds, which contain two or more elements, pure metals contain only one element, with the result that all atoms in a metal are identical.

Most metals are solid at room temperature. Metal atoms are tightly packed together in the solid state. This allows them to share valence electrons with one another. If you could observe a piece of a solid metal at the atomic level, you would see the metal cations fixed in a rigid lattice structure like that shown in the figure below. You would also observe a sea of electrons—the valence electrons—moving freely in between the metal cations.

You have seen how ions in ionic compounds are bonded together by ionic bonds. In pure metals, another type of bonding forms as a result of the attractive forces between the metal cations and the sea of electrons. This type of bonding is called metallic bonding. Metallic bonding can be described as a lattice of positive metal ions in a sea of electrons.

Note that metallic bonding occurs throughout a large group of atoms, and not as individual bonds between pairs of atoms. That is why this type of bonding is often described as a regular repeating array of metal cations in a sea of electrons.
Figure 16 At the atomic scale, a metal is arranged as a lattice of cations
surrounded by a sea of electrons.

This type of bonding explains some of the unique properties of metals. While crystals of ionic compounds would break and crumble if they were pounded with a hammer, metals only flatten and bend under pressure. When a metal is pounded, its cations slide past one another as the sea of electrons flows freely in between, holding the metal together.

Metallic bonding also allows metals to conduct electric current. Because the electrons flow freely in between the metal cations, they can transmit electric current from one end of the metal to the other. This is what happens in a metal wire used for conducting electricity.

You have completed 76% of the lesson

2.2 Ionic and Metallic Bonds

You have earned 0 point(s) out of 11 point(s) thus far.
What is common between ionic compounds and metals?

electrical conductivity in the solid state

solubility in water

arrangement of ions in a lattice structure

breaking and crumbling under pressure

presence of oppositely charged ions
You have completed 81% of the lesson

2.2 Ionic and Metallic Bonds

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Fill in the blank.
Metallic bonding allows the free flow of
 which gives way to transmitting electric current in metals.

You have completed 86% of the lesson

2.2 Ionic and Metallic Bonds

You have earned 0 point(s) out of 13 point(s) thus far.
Fill in the blank.
At the atomic scale, a metal is arranged as a lattice of
 surrounded by a sea of electrons.

You have completed 90% of the lesson

2.2 Ionic and Metallic Bonds

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Fill in the blank.
When a metal is pounded, its
 slide past one another, holding the metal together.

You have completed 95% of the lesson
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